Artisan Place, Harrow, London

Case Study

Residential Project


Project Address

Artisan Place, Harrow , London, HA3 5DS


Lightweight Aluminium Frame, External Wall Cladding System, External Wall Insulated System


5 Months

Case Study: Artisan Place, Harrow, London

Project Overview:

Location: Artisan Place, Harrow , London, HA3 5DS

Client: Barratt Developments Plc

Project Duration: 5 months

Scope of Work: Principle Contractor for Barratts Developments encompassing the design, supply, and installation of various structural and cladding systems.

Project Description:

In the borough of Harrow, London, DMC Walling had the privilege of contributing its expertise to a remarkable construction project at Artisan Place. This endeavour, spanning 5 months, saw DMC Walling engaged as Principle Contractor  to bring their cladding and structural expertise to bear on the development.

Services Provided:

  • Lightweight Aluminium Frame: As part of the project, DMC Walling implemented a lightweight steel frame solution. This choice not only improved the structural integrity of the building but also enhanced its energy efficiency and environmental performance.
  • External Wall Cladding System: Aesthetics and weather resistance are paramount in modern construction. DMC Walling was tasked with the installation of a high-quality external wall cladding system, guaranteeing the building’s visual appeal while providing robust protection against the elements.
  • External Wall Insulated System: To enhance energy efficiency and sustainability, DMC Walling provided and installed an external wall insulated system. This not only improved the thermal performance of the building but also contributed to reduced energy consumption, minimizing the carbon footprint.

Challenges Faced:

As with any construction project, Artisan Place presented its own unique set of challenges. The site’s location in Harrow, a bustling and densely populated area of London, meant that the project required meticulous planning and coordination to minimize disruption to the surrounding community. Additionally, adhering to strict building codes and regulations was imperative to ensure the safety and compliance of the development.


The collaboration between DMC Walling and the Barratts Developments project team bore fruit in the form of a structurally sound, aesthetically pleasing, and energy-efficient building. The contributions of DMC Walling in the form of steel framing, cladding, and other essential systems ensured that the project met and exceeded the expectations of all stakeholders.

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